Church of God


Social Strategy. Content Curation. Crisis Response. Design. Photography. Film Concepting and Script Copy.

“We are blessed to be partnered with The Alderman Group in a variety of ways. From logos and scripting to social media content, The Alderman Group fosters online engagement and dialogue, stimulates creativity, and helps us get our message to the world.”

– Mark Williams, General Overseer

The Church of God is one of the most well known Christian organizations in the world. When they decided to dive into social media content, they came to us and said, “Let’s go all the way.”

The Alderman Group provides all of the online social content and engagement for the Church of God—including posting, blogging, custom shareables, and crisis response. Additionally, we create scripts for the dozens of films produced by the denomination throughout the year. Our work has also included special social media coverage of the annual international assembly, with an on-site audience of 12,000 and a social reach of 80,000.

To be successful takes understanding the brand and knowing their voice. It’s a careful, measured approach with the just the right balance of traditional and innovative content. With a thriving social community and engagement levels that would make any organization drool, we are proud to be a part of their DNA.